“Imagine the Christian version of 75 HARD, but BETTER!”


I get it. Living a life without discipline SUCKS.


You feel lazy when you know that you should be more “productive”...

You feel “stuck” or “idle” in your faith - just going through the motions, but can’t seem to get that “fire” back that you once had…

You know the things that you should be doing for a better, stronger, and healthier life, but you still don’t take action on them…

Trust me, I know your frustration brother.

“Diet starts Monday” right?

“I’ll get to church next weekend if my schedule isn’t too swamped.”

“I’ll try to get to the gym after work”

“I need to remember to pray with my wife. She keeps asking me to.”

 Many Christian men have been fighting this silent battle for years, sometimes DECADES.


The truth is that we actually WANT to be better men.

We crave to be productive and to serve and to lead others effectively, especially our families…

We want to follow Jesus and walk in our God-given purpose…

We long to “fight the good fight” and “finish our race”, just like Paul said…

But the hard fact is that even though we usually know WHAT to do, we still don’t do it.

But WHY?

Ever wondered why you can have a ton of “good intentions” on Sunday evening, but come Monday morning all of it goes out the window?

Why does it seem so hard to follow through with simple disciplines, when in the past, we could conquer a handful of things in only 1 day?

The good news is that if you’re reading this, that means everything I just mentioned above has most likely hit home in one way or another.

And if it did, then you’re in the right place!


You remember the “old you”, right? The one who was on fire for God and for life?

That guy was relentless.

He was motivated and inspired and took action without hesitation…

He would take on battles just for the thrill of the ride!

But being honest, where did that man go?

I only ask you this brother, because today I want to stir something new in you.

I want to reach down into the depths of your manly soul and pull out the fearless warrior that has been stuck, idle and silent for far too long…

He’s in there, you just forgot that he was.

The good news is that if you’re reading this, that means everything I just mentioned above has most likely hit home in one way or another.

And if it did, then you’re in the right place!



If we haven’t been introduced yet, I’m what you would call a “Kingdom Fitness Coach”.

That’s basically a fancy way of saying that I help Christian men dominate life as healthy and strong warriors of God, both inside and outside of the gym.

After all, it’s not just about looking and feeling good in the flesh suit that God gave you.

At the same time, we have to be intentional about walking in the calling for our lives - the amazing mission that the Lord has given us.

This is where I want to help you, because honestly, I was in your same position not that long ago…

I went through a season where God helped me realize that my “fire” was burning out, not just for Him but also in my fitness lifestyle.

I wasn’t reading the Bible like I should or spending time in prayer…

I wasn’t getting to the gym as often as I wanted to, and when I did, I would just “go through the motions”... I was flat out becoming lazy and unmotivated with life.

At the end of the day, I knew I had more to give, but I was still dragging my feet.

But there HAD to be a reason why…

And one day, it finally CLICKED.

I saw a former business coach of mine post on Facebook about how drastically his life had changed simply by following a fitness lifestyle program called “75 HARD”.

If you’ve never heard of it, you are basically given a short list of MANDATORY tasks that must be completed each day, without fail.

The program lasts for 75 days, rain or shine, and if you miss any of the tasks, you must start over.

Pretty intense right? That sounds like discipline to me!

There was nothing fancy about the program whatsoever. It was simply this: “Be focused and intentional about completing these tasks daily, or you won’t succeed.”

…Either do what you said you were going to do, or don’t. The end result is completely up to you.

So being the critical thinking man that I am, I started to wonder to myself:

...What if there was a program like this, but instead it was created specifically for Christian men?

…What if it helped them not only establish discipline in their fitness lifestyle, but also helped them create spiritual discipline?

…What if it was super simple to follow, yet also life-changing?”

My wheels began to turn, and before long, the program that you’re about to have in your hands was BORN!


The ONLY Kingdom-Driven Physical and Spiritual Transformation Challenge – specifically designed for Christian Men who want to strengthen their FAITH, build a lifestyle of STRUCTURE, discipline their BODY and MIND, and become the masculine men of God they were created to be!

Over the next 40 days...

You will be given 7 specific daily tasks to follow that will cultivate discipline, both physically & spiritually.

Nothing complex, but instead a simple structure for a healthy and disciplined life all the way around.

To add to this, you’ll also have access to tools and resources that will help you become crystal clear on not only what to do, but how to do it.

THIS is what separates the Kingdom Fit 40-Day Challenge from 75 HARD.

That program didn’t give you guidance. It only gave you a “checklist” of things to do.

Here, each day you will be walked through a strategic process that I call the “Kingdom Fit Roadmap”.

This 4-Phase training process will help you learn, adapt and gain clarity in the 4 main stages of your growth as a man of God:

The Kingdom Fit Roadmap


Understanding who you are and who you were created to be as a man of God.


Breaking free from sin, strongholds and setbacks that have kept you bound!


Learning practical Biblical disciplines to become a fully equipped man of God.


Gain clarity on your God-given purpose and action steps to take going forward!

But not only that…

At the same time you’ll be learning how to set up a fitness routine that you actually LOVE and enjoy - not something that is boring or mundane.

It is my goal that by the end of these next 40 days to get a message from you saying:

“Mitch, I’ve never been so fired up for God in my whole life. To make it even better, I have more discipline now in my fitness lifestyle than I’ve had in years!”

Just imagine something with me real quick…

What would your life look like in 40 days from now, knowing that you’ve achieved the physical and spiritual discipline that you’ve been searching for this whole time?

How would that impact your life going forward?

What other goals could you start to tackle with that kind of new-found discipline?

What would that feel like as you begin to walk in God’s calling for your life?

I’ll tell you - it’s gonna be AWESOME!

You can simply see this 40 Day Challenge as the “KICK-START” that you so desperately need at this point in your life.

That’s exactly why I created it for you.

The truth is that if you already had the discipline, you wouldn’t be reading this right now.

The next 40 days won’t just give you this consistent discipline, but more importantly, it’ll set you up for a MASSIVE transformation in the months to come.

What you need is MOMENTUM, and the Kingdom Fit 40-Day Challenge will do just that.

The Kingdom Fit 40-Day Challenge is specifically designed to help you remove the things that are wasting your time, and to replace them with positive habits that help you walk as a true man of God.

So are you ready to take the first step?



  • DISCIPLINE! As well as...
  • Kingdom Fit 40-Day Training Guide (How to follow the program) ($29 value)
  • Nutritional Protocol for MAX Fat Loss in 40 Days ($49 value)
  • 40 Days of Workouts to Enhance Results ($200 value)
  • Supplement Guidelines (Testosterone support + overall health) ($100 value)
  • Recovery Guidelines ($50 value)
  • 40-Day Kingdom Fit Devotionals ($25 value)
  • 10-Day Comfort Crusher Challenge
  • Like-minded Community for Accountability
  • + Much More

That's over $450 of value!

Start the 40-Day Kingdom Fit Challenge today for only $40!

Only $1 PER DAY to build physical and spiritual discipline. Click below to get started!



"I don't know what I expected out of this challenge going into it, but let me tell you what I got out of it - EXACTLY what Mitch tells you you're going to get! Becoming spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically disciplined! It is definitely hard, but so are so many other things we do everyday! Did I fail and have to start over? Absolutely! Did I fight until I finished? You bet! And it was 1000% worth it! I believe it helped to reignite a fire and lay down a new foundation to rebuild my relationship with God. I feel like a whole new man! Mentally, physically, spiritually and emotionally. I started this challenge a month after myself and my girlfriend of 2 years broke up. It really was God's perfect timing. The amount of healing and transformation that went on is nothing short of a miracle! No matter what happened or how things started to go, every time I thought something was going to go wrong, I thought: 'but God'! Every time I said I couldn't, God said "I can." I promise y'all, you will not be disappointed if you take this challenge!" - David S.

Ross E.

"Mitch’s knowledge and experience has helped me, as an older man, have success and achieve overall better health and fitness and I learned so much about my purpose and calling!"

Jon W.

"I can always say with confidence that Mitch Muller is the real deal and will without a doubt help bring great change to anyone’s life if they follow his coaching."

Scott T.

"Mitch is a God-fearing, people-loving, muscle-bound braniac who has created a system in training that will absolutely change your life if you follow this program and give it your all."