Exposing the 7 Hidden "Thieves" that are STEALING your Masculinity, Testosterone & God-given Purpose


by Mitch Muller

  • Discover the 7 shocking factors that are sabotaging your efforts towards the mission that God gave you
  • Uncover the 7 "hidden thieves" that have been robbing your testosterone and manhood for years
  • Learn how to recognize every day "harmful killers" to your energy, libido and recovery that often go unnoticed
  • Learn the simple strategies to maximizing your masculinity from a Biblical foundation
  • Learn the next steps to take to achieve FREEDOM and BREAKTHROUGH as a true man of God

What The Guys Are Saying:

Scott T.

"Mitch is a God-fearing, people-loving, muscle-bound braniac who has created a system in training that will absolutely change your life if you follow this program and give it your all! It has helped me build a confidence that shows up in my daily life at home, as a husband and father, and in the community as a leader. I am forever grateful for what the Lord has done and continues to do through Mitch and his training."

Ross E.

"If you desire to be a better man, husband, father, friend, who is a fully committed follower of Christ, then this program is for you. It’s not easy! But if you want to be healed, fully alive and be the Man of God you were called and equipped to be then please don’t let this opportunity pass you by. Mitch’s knowledge and experience has helped me, as an older man, have success and achieve overall better health and fitness and I learned so much about my purpose and calling!"

Jon W.

"I was SO happy to find a coach in the fitness industry that LOVES fitness and loves the Lord! What started as just a trainer and a client, has turning into a great friendship and I could not be more thrilled to be a part of the brand that Mitch has built! Mitch is an awesome coach and an even better friend. I can always say with confidence that Mitch Muller is the real deal and will without a doubt help bring great change to anyone’s life if they follow his coaching."